Sunday, March 5, 2023

Writing process begins

 Alright so this week I’ve been trying to really just start writing the script and getting the characters established.  So far, my character hasn’t even come up yet, but I’m proud of what I have so far.

Red plus denotes where I need to lengthen
Script cont.

The name of the manager I’m keeping is the nickname of the kid who’s playing the part in real life. I think it fits very well. We all call him lemon, my character will call him Lemmy. It's something that I’ll show that they’re close in the opening. Most people will call him lemon but you know the different people in the band and different people working will call him different things to kind of show their specific relationship with him. I started with another part that’s the part of Aaron I wrote about. She is kind of a tomboyish techie who works in the sound department but obviously she’s close to lemon because she’s the person that he calls.

I’m pretty sure for the bouncer I’m gonna have my friend skyler be the bouncer he’s a pretty big guy or foreman all black he won’t budge when lemon tries to get in and I know that he would have a good stern facial expression during lemons rampage. Aaron could be a bunch of different people but right now I’m kind of thinking that it would be my friend mya. I think she would act the part well and even though it’s a little thing she would definitely get the the kind of sharp whip that she has to lemon in her one line and the kindness to the bouncer I don’t know I just think that she would be great, but it’s a part that could be played by a bunch of different people.



What I just did to kind of check it and see if it feels natural as I put a timer and I kind of read the lines myself. I kind of made it not that much dialogue because I was worried of time running out but it is going very fast. I have time for this. I like the start that I have with my script, I’m gonna adjust what I have written so far, but I want to start getting a storyboard and that way I can send it to Virginia and Ryan so they understand what I’m going for and can even give me feedback or what they think about it. I also want to see what they have to say about lighting. I'm gonna do some more research. I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what I would like to do but hearing something from my peers in an area that they accelerate would always be beneficial. My next plan is a storyboard and just kind of go with it. I don’t want to do something totally strict with a storyboard but just kind of lay out different scenes that I know will happen and then I’ll fill in the rest later. I don't need it to be exactly in order and if anything I will number the boarding accordingly after.

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