I didn’t even realize that this was the genre that I loved, but it really doesn’t capsulate so many of my favorite movies and TV shows. One of my favorite kind of media genres are biographies especially rocky memories and after doing research I figured out that like if you took the non-fiction aspect away from these movies they would all become comedy dramas. A comedy drama or otherwise known as a dramedy could be seen as a sub genre of both the drama and comedy genre… And honestly it will be one of those genres with the other genre just as prominent as the one that it is. One could call it drama with comedic elements, or a comedy with dramatic elements. Honestly I think with these films do is try to portray life as best as possible trying to really get the ups and downs of a specific character situation or whatever it may be that the film is trying to express. Most of these films have a theme that is rather serious or insightful that is told through both communication and dramatic elements.
I truly believe that dramedy is try to connect with the audience on a more personal level, especially when of the dramedy is a bow a specific character and the journey they go through. some find these movies therapeutic since they are truly able to tackle the complexities of certain characters in comedies that would not be tackled if they didn’t have dramatic elements. It brings true representation to comedic characters and adds more serious themes to those complex characters which are more realistic and I think really have more purpose in terms of being a film that affects society.
I really believe that a dramedy is something that is trying to make some things seem realistic. The setting of these pieces is almost always realistic… even if it is inhabited by animal celebrities. The characters are relatable to the audience, and often involve complex characters that can be deeper analyze through the films devices or are in complex situations where their feelings are able to be shown more correctly through the scope of comedic and dramatic elements. sometimes in dramedy it is not off in easy to figure out who is supposed to be funny and who is not as these characters are more themselves than they are comedians, but that’s what makes him so freaking good. Just like one of those animal celebrities one of my favorites is Bojack horseman. There is absolutely no reason that a show with animal characters guess the human spirit and mental feeling so right, yeah it does. Bojack Horseman is a television show on Netflix that follows the life of C list celebrity and family sit-com washup Bojack Horseman. The show deals with themes of substance abuse, cell fulfillment, romance, and so much more… But it is literally about a talking horse. If it dealt with all of these themes without the humor nobody would watch it it would not be funny it would not seem real. But please just watch this highlight reel of some of the funniest moments and you won’t even be able to control your laughter.
I believe that the comedy drama is a genre that is used to capture life correctly, and communicate seems to audiences in the best way possible. People remember funny shit it’s true, I know if I told you to think about the hardest time you’ve ever laughed you would think of tons of situations right off the bat, and honestly if I told you to think about your most sad moments you would think about those too. I really love comedy dramas I think they give so much room to character arcs and plot lines, and are such a great way to story tell. There is no way I could do any other genre than a dramedy for my film opening.
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